Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those in recovery, some of whom are ex-felons, struggle with guilt and shame. The Gospel of Christ offers love, forgiveness and true freedom. Divine Mercy Mission has been providing pastoral care to those in recovery for over 2 1/2 years.
We embark on a mission for the Kingdom of God. Following the Lord's call, we embark on a new work in the intercity of Cleveland, Ohio, in a historic neighborhood called Slavic Village. Over the years it has experienced decline and a transformation from a former vibrant neighborhood of ethnic European steelworkers. The Village is now a multi-racial community experiencing the worst of our current economic depression. It is reported that one in six homes are in foreclosure. Drug houses are flourishing, as is other activity that coincides with drug abuse. I am quite familiar with the Village. It is an area in which I minister at six local recovery centers. Divine Mercy Anglican Mission hopes to be an anchor, a spiritual center that reaches out to those in recovery and the community at large.
Pictured is our new facility, on which we hope to have new signage soon. We ask your prayers and we covet your help as we began just this past week on Pentecost Sunday. It seemed very fitting.
By His Mercy, to His Glory
Fr. Nathanael Dean Maurer MSJ, Divine Mercy Anglican Mission 440.951.2183
This is wonderful and exciting! Praise the Lord. We will be remembering this new move for Divine Mercy in our Prayers.
Light shines the brightest in the darkness, finds itself showing the way for others who cannot see...at this crossroad may you reflect the glory and love of our Father...
We will be praying for you and for those in need of His Mercy...
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