Monday, March 23, 2015

Rev. (Fr.) Bob Lemmon Installed as Father General of the MSJ


March 15, 2015        

Your Grace,  
       Duly elected (by), and with great love and fidelity, we the Missionaries of St John present to you Fr Robert Lemmon, our faithful honored brother, for installation as our Father General, for your blessing and your protection.  Rev. Terry Moore, MSJ+

Following these words of presentation, Fr. Bob Lemmon was installed as Father General of the Missionary Society of St. John the Evangelist by The Rt. Reverend Alberto Morales, OSB - Bishop Protector of the Missionary Society and Diocesan of the Diocese of Quincy, Anglican Church of North America.

Above, Bishop Morales delivers his encouraging homily to the Community and guests of Christ the King in Liberty, KY.

Contact Information

11195 S. Grayling Rd.
Roscommon, MI 48653

Telephone: 586-264-6044
msjanglican "at"