Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Run To The Tomb

One of my favorite pictures is by the Swiss artist Eugene Burnand (1850-1921), entitled The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection. The picture captures the "seeking heart." We see ourselves in the actions and expressions of both Peter and John as they hurry toward Jesus' tomb. Wonder, awe, anxiousness, fear, anticipation, hope, confusion, a plethora of experiences and emotions are reflected in this depiction of the disciples on Easter morning.

Like all of us, Peter and John are seekers on the path—hearing the good news, struggling to understand, make sense, hear, and respond. At times it is difficult to do anything except run: run to the empty tomb, open wide our eyes, look, and take stock of what we see. Like Peter and John, our open and inquiring disposition will be satisfied as we examine the evidence found in the empty tomb. Jesus is indeed risen, offering freedom from all that binds us! By remaining open and inquisitive, the seeker's heart will find satisfaction in encountering the risen Lord.

A blessed and joyous Easter season. Alleluia, he is risen! 

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11195 S. Grayling Rd.
Roscommon, MI 48653

Telephone: 586-264-6044
msjanglican "at"