Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
We Have Seen God's Glory

II Peter 1:
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 17 For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased”— 18 and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.Saturday, February 11, 2012
Bro. Nathan Reports
Geita Report #1
Sunrise over Geita.
Dear Friends,
Praise the Lord! I arrived safely in Geita, Tanzania on Sunday,
February 5th.
It turned out to be an interesting journey for me. In New York
I was informed that my flights connecting through Instanbul
were not possible because of a huge snowstorm there.
A very kind agent worked diligently to find a flight through
London, England instead. I spent a day in central London
checking out some famous sights. Although I arrived in
Dar es Salaam much later than expected, God took care of me.
After getting through customs, money exchanged,
tickets confirmed, and into the waiting room --
I had not even sat down, when my flight to Mwanza
was called to begin boarding! God’s timing is perfect!
I was met in Mwanza by Pastor Damson, my interpreter
from last year. What a joy to be reunited with my dear
Christian brother! Saturday was a day for me to rest up
and to wander around the streets remembering sights
and sounds from last year’s trip. Sunday, I attended the
Anglican Cathedral and had a nice visit afterwards with
a missionary couple from Canada. Later that day,
Bishop Kwangu and Pastor Damson escorted me to Geita.
Along the way, we stopped off in Sengerama to visit
Capt. Nestor, a retired priest who has assisted our
teaching ministry for the past several years. The
highlight of this visit was meeting his 104 year old mother.
Monday was spent sitting under the shade trees
at church getting to know some students and discussing
plans. Tuesday I was asked to attend a regional pastor’s
meeting in Sengerama with Pastor Mathias of Christ
the King Anglican Church (my host church). While
there, I was given opportunity to speak to about
25 pastors for 30 – 40 minutes. I decided to share a
message of encouragement from Hebrews 13, which
I had read that morning for my daily Bible reading.
It was a very long day for me. I had gotten up for an
early morning walk to watch the sunrise, and we arrived
home long after dark.
I have twenty church leaders in my class, five of
whom are ladies. Some are from local churches and
others have come by bicycle from as far as 80 km away.
I have been able to complete the first course, “Introduction
to Preaching”, in just two long days because the students
have been very attentive and diligent.
The person I thought would be interpreting for me was
not able to come, so I have a young man, Reuben, assisting
me this week. He is a fine Christian man from a village
near Geita who has been a school teacher and is taking some
classes at a university in Mwanza. My host family lives on
the edge of Geita on the uphill side, giving me a fine view
of this city of 120,000 people. The red dirt roads, green fields,
bright flowers and sunlight make for an incredibly beautiful sight
to wake up to each morning. I often think, how come I am so
blessed be allowed to come here. God is so good to give
me the opportunity to experience the love of my beautiful
Christian brothers and sisters here in Tanzania. I have taken
a few photos, but it is no use trying to capture the warm
hospitality and incredible smiles. You would just have to
come experience it for yourself.
Until next week,
May the peace of Christ be with you,
Freezing in front of the Big Ben and Parliament building.
Getting to know the students
Thursday, February 9, 2012
St Valentine

Saint Valentine baptizing Saint Lucilla by Jacopo Bassano
The various stories and histories of St Valentine are quite likely stitched together and may be done so from the lives of more than one historical individual. The histories and stories are fascinating. To learn more about St Valentine and February 14th, likely the day of martyrdom of at least one of the ancient church's Valentines, follow this link:
Friday, February 3, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Bro Nathan Dunlap Heads To Tanzania
Dear Friends,
Today, Wednesday, February 1st, is the Big Day we have all been looking forward to in great anticipation! Months of preparation have taken place to organize everything on both sides of the ocean. I am leaving from Louisville, KY at 6AM this morning; and will be leaving New York City at 11PM tonight for an overnight flight to Istanbul, Turkey. I expect to arrive in Mwanza on Friday and in Geita sometime on Saturday,
February 4th. Bro Nathan MSJ

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